Well, I had a laundry basket overflowing with stamps that I don't use anymore, so I sold quite a few online in the groups that I belong to. But I still have alot left! So, I unmounted the ones that are left, and thought it would be fun to give them away! I will just send them out in a regular mail envelope. So, how about a contest?
I propose that you leave a comment, telling us ONE weird thing about yourself! I really had fun when Audrey tagged me asking me to tell 6 weird things about myself! I probably have enough to send out 20 envelopes or so, so the chances of you winning a stamp or two will be high! There is nothing wrong with the stamps, some are NEW, they are just ones that I don't use anymore or my style has changed! lol
I will put all the names into a draw on Wednesday morning, Jan. 10th, and pick out as many winners as I have stamps for! I will post the winners as soon as I draw the names!
Spread the word, and let's have some fun with this!
So come on ladies, make it really weird!!! We want to hear ALL about you! LOL
Let the fun begin!!!
Good Luck everyone!!
1 week ago
Okay I will be brave and post first. I think I'm weird because I have strange pets. My pets are chipmunks. Yes rodents, but cute rodents. Oh no .... the ladies on Ink-Stains are going to laugh at me after the discussion we had about rodents lol. We don't have them in the house lol, but I have heard that some people actually have them as house pets. When we moved into our house in 2000 we notice a chipmunk out on the deck and we tossed it a few peanuts. By the end of the first year we had at least ten chipmunks that would come up to the patio screen door and peer in. It soon became a habit to feed them in the spring/summer. The weird thing is my husband and I have named a few of our chipmunks. We have one that that has been around for four years now. It has half an ear and a short stubby tail, so we name it Mrs. Cute. She had babies last summer and one of her babies would jump on our laps for peanuts. This is unusual for chipmunks to be this tame, especially babies. Okay .... tease me now lol!
Carol Hinton
One more time:
Mrs. Cute
ok ok, I have one! I have this friend who is anal, obessive, compulsive, patientless, emotional, insecure, sometimes annoying, hysterical, and totally blind when it comes to her own beauty and talent, and self-worth...the weird part...I love 'er to death! LOL Now where's my stamp?!?
(yeah, I know, this post will be deleted. lol)
Not sure if I would call this weird or not but other have told me it is "strange" ...... I can't stand walking barefoot on grass however, love to walk barefoot when I'm in the house and on the beach in the sand!!!!
Well there are so many, where would I start!!! Perhaps my strangest quirk is that I have this weird habit.... I pull out all my eyelashes. They still grow back but I know sometime they won't and I'll look like a snake.
Weird enough, Kim????
Ok - When I can't fall asleep I count prime numbers in my head.
Oops, Kim - that last comment about the prime numbers was me (Robin)
i do not like to skate and i live in the world most hokey crazy coutry (MHO). i've never really cared for it but when i broke my leg doing it (and it was on valentines day 4 yrs ago)i quit and havent since. id much rather play volleyball than skate. thanks for making me think.
Chelsey aka bubblegum girl
HUMMM...weird? Well, I hang out on ink-stains all day. Does that count as weird? Gotta give it to ya Carol, chipmunk pets are very weird, but adorable in the picture!
OK, OK...I am petrified and I mean, PETRIFIED of birds. Hate em. Can't stand them and scream and run like a baby if one is flying anywhere even remotely close to me! How's that for a starter???
Something weird about me....hmmm, well my husband thinks that it is weird that I always eat dessert after breakfast. After I have finished eating my cereal, toast, fruit or whatever breakfast food, I then always have to finish it off with something sweet - like a cookie or a piece of whatever dessert is in the house.
Cheryl Kielly
not sure if this weird or not but I love eating blueberry or cherry muffins with milk....I pour the milk over them and the muffins have to be soggy before I can eat them.....
Oh this is tooo funny... what a great game this is... I'm not weird tho.. what do you think...
My all time fav Breakfast is toast with Vegemite, Cheese & tomato sauce... Yummy... It's an Australian thing.. Just can't seem to get any Australians to agree with me, except for DS..
Ok I will play, I don't have any weird attributes though. :)
I have to take my reading glasses off in order to see what I have on my crafting table now that is weird don't you think?
Hmm...On the first day of the year I say 'rabbit rabbit' for good luck.. It has to be the first thing I say that day - so 12:01am.. This works for any first day of the month as well. My sister started this many years ago when we were young babes in our 20's.. Now we are in our mid 40's! I called her to see if she did it for New Years, and she did! And, so did I. I am passing this one on to my kids..made them do it as well this New Years!!!
Hmm, having a hard time thinking of anything weird about myself - except that while I am terrified of heights usually, I love flying in a plane. Just don't put me on a ladder 4 feet up!
Candy W
everyone thinks it weird when I am off from work I don't want to go anywhere .I kinda hibernate
Probably the weirdest thing about me is that I can't stand to see a wet sink with water splashes! If I have used the kitchen sink I HAVE to dry it afterwards. I get through about 6 rolls of kitchen paper a week!! I even dry the sink in other people's houses out of habit *blushes* LOL!
hmmm, what's strange about me? If I'm handing a piece of paper to someone and it has to come anywhere near my face, I close my eyes. When I was a kid, another kid in my class got a papercut on her eye-lid. I thought how lucky it was that her eye was closed, so from then on I've always closed my eyes until the paper is a "safe" distance! ;)
I have to have very soft fabrics agianst my skin. otherwise my skin hurts.
btw hi kim didn't know you had a blog!! Im on ss too.
I love this idea! One of my [b]many[/b] weird quirks is that when I am eating in a restaraunt, I must have a booth, and I must sit on the inside. I can't be the one nearest the outside edge. This holds true even when I am alone, another weird quirk being that I don't mind eating out alone, or going to the movies alone, either.
My vision is weird. The last time I had it checked, my left eye was 20/30 and my right eye was 20/60. I am far-sighted in my left eye, and near-nighted in my right eye. It's not so bad though - I don't even need to wear glasses.
'momtooandz' on ink-stains
I am afraid to drive my car into a car wash. Not sure why b/c I never had a bad experience, but I just can't do it.
Hi, one weird thing about me is that I hate going over bridges! I have to close my eyes and count until we get over them. If I am driving then I have to get into the middle lane and not look to either side.....
I love chinese food so much that I will eat the leftovers in the fridge straight from the container without reheating them. I guess it is like those that can eat cold pizza!:)
Augh. Gillian needs a stamp. Had vegemite before and it is awful! Nancy I love cold pizza! My weird thing is I eat one thing on my plate at a time. My in-laws noticed it right off and I'm always the talk of the table.
Okay I am wierd with my fingers in that no one else can do this but me.
Let me see if I can explain it. Okay that first joint where your finger bends (finger tip area).
I can bend that back all the way where it looks like a perfect number 7 on my left hand and a backwards 7 on my right hand.
It sometimes grosses people out.
One weird thing about me is that I have hole on the side of my head, right next to my left ear. It's like a dimple or something. Anyway, it looks like someone pushed an awl into my head, and now it's ready for a brad. So, there you have it! I weird thing about me! ~Ethel~
Hmmmm....weird things about me....well, there are lots, but I'll narrow the list down to one. I like to eat waffles line by line going around the square until I get to the four squares in the center. I started it when I was a kidlet and still do it to this day!
Karen/TiikkiStars (on peas)
There are probably a lot of "weird" things about me that I haven't yet figured out aren't normal. LOL One thing my friends always laugh about is that before I eat anything new, I have to smell it. LOL I guess if it smells ok it should be ok to eat. Diane D. aka doverdi
something weird about me....I absolutely can not for any reason tear a piece of paper....not even a piece of trash.....I can cut it, distress it and everything else...just can not tear....now that is weird....
One of the weird things about me is that I can ride an escalator that is going down but I absolutely freeze going up. If there are stairs I will take them. Otherwise, if I have to go up, I close my eyes and hang on to my husband (who has to go on first).
I have webbed toes and I wear my sox inside out.
don't know if this is weird or not but i love to eat watermelon seeds. i buy then from an eastern food store by the five pound bag and freeze them. oh and also have to have 3 hersey dark kisses in the morn at work.!!
My weird thing is I hate raw tomatoes but I love salsa....very strange since salsa is made with as you know... raw tomatoes!
Weird about me, hmmm... When I carry cash it all has to be facing the same direction, top to bottom and in numerical order. I can not stand beefstew but like everything in it by itself. I can't stand driving over railroad tracks or turning the left onto a main road -I will drive miles out of my way to avoid both if I can. I think those are my biggies.
I am told that when I sneeze I sound like a dog or act. I never sneeze once, it seems I sneeze in multiples of 3.
Heather Aka Keltie
It's hard thinking of your weird habits. I'd like to think I don't have any, but I probably have many. I just ignore them! The one I did think about is that if I pull out a kleenex to use and it rips, I won't use it! If a paper towel rips I won't use it either. It goes way back to my days when I was a youngster. My mom would serve breakfast on top of a paper towel. I would hate it and cry. My brothers would torture me and tear the paper towel on purpose just to see me lose it! Nice brothers, uh?
Hmmm.. how to choose only one??
I know! I can only eat apples if I sprinkle salt on them! Strange tradition I picked up from my dad while growing up.
One of my many quirks is I ALWAYS cut my PPJ in quarters...Just like
Mom did.
Lately if I really like something I say "I love this so much I think I'll marry it" A throw back
to the days when my kids were little. If you said you you loved something they would say "Why don't you marry it"
I got some pretty weird looks at Stamp Club yesterday when I said I was going to marry "I Like it A Latte" LOL
I don't know how weird this is, my youngest thinks it's gross but when I make toast with peanut butter, I have to put margarine on 1st before the p.b.. LOL
Okay, I'll play...I'm a paid EMT, my job is to ride in the back of an ambulance, our transport times are 30-40 minutes, complete turn arounds...3 hours, oh and I get car sick. But mostly, I love my job!
Something weird about Me??
I learned to drive in Belle Starr's pasture.
Belle Starr was an outlaw around here, don't know if she made it to Canada or not. Many years after her time, her house was still standing (well, sorts standing), my dad kept a few cows on the land around that house so I learned to drive by going with my dad to feed the cows Sandie
One weird thing about me is that I can push my bottom lip all the way down so that it touches my chin. My sisters freak out whenever I do this "trick."
Well..something weird about me! I thought and thought and had a hard time. Then I asked my DH what was weird and in a half of a second, he said "Duh..you have four nipp..s!" It is true. I was suppose to be a twin and something went wrong, so I got the other set. I'm just thankful that they don't have a cup size!!! LOL
i guess i would have to say one weird thing about myself is that i can't put away the silverware from the dishwasher until they are completely dry...the sensation of wet silverware makes me nauseated!
Do we really have time for all the wierd things that I do???
1. I get the totally willies trying to pull the cotton out of a medicine bottle. I mean I break out in goose bumps and get cold chills. Its the sound I think.
2. None of the food on my plate can touch another. I am terrible at buffets. Plus I eat one thing at a time.
3. I get physically ill at the mere sight of a slug.
4. I have to wear steel-toed shoes at work...I must hide them deep in the closet on my last day of work (wednesday) or my week end just isn't a week end for me.
Thanks for the chance to post this!
Ok...I'm new here but figured what the heck! The weiredest thing about me is, I absolutely LOVE peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches! No, I'm not pregnant. My grandmother ate them when she was pregnant, my mom ate them when she was pregnant...strange thing though...I don't think I ate a single one while pregnant.
To be honest there are many things I could post but we don't have all the time in world now do we as Wed am is quickly approaching.
According to one of my best friends I am totally weird as I hate chocolate,sweets,deserts ,etc.
and only eat healthy and like it. I
forget to eat when I am busy and if nothing sparks my interest and I am hungry at bedtime I just go to sleep and wake up in morn not hungry. That is just the way it is and yes I am weird.
I love green olives and will just sit down with a bowl of them and eat them. It grosses my dh out.
If eating things like m&m's etc. I always have to eat an even number of them.
i want to get my nose pierced. is that weird :)
I am like a lot of you in that the weird things about me could go on and on. (At least my girls would say they're weird things!) Mine would have to be that when I close my eyes, I fall over. Yep, so when the house is pitch black at night, guess what happens if the nightlight isn't on in the hallway?? Still haven't gotten any mail this way, Ms.Kim. Do you think anything would reach me?
What Fun, hmmm, I don't know if its weird but I used to skydive and I have over 60 freefalls, but I really don't care for flying. I do fly (in airplanes) but I'd really rather not. I felt better when I had a reserve parachute as a back-up whereas in a big plane your chances of surviving a plane crash is pretty slim. But what the heck, I drive to work with crazy California drivers who "fly" to work at 80mph during rush hour traffic so I guess flying isn't that bad after all.
Hmm...I should do this during the day when I can think! Hahaha. Um, how about I took a hunter's saftey couse once and have no desire to ever hunt!
I am loaded with weirdness. LOL! Carol your post made me think of one of the weird pet things I've done. When I traveled for work I was worried my little Shih-tzu might get lonely during the day while my hubby was working, so we bought her a gerbil. She enjoyed watching it run around on the wheel. Thanks for the fun...Deb M. :o)
I don't like driving somewhere new and not knowing ahead of time where I can park my car. I don't mind being a passenger and driving around looking for a space; I just can't be driving alone.
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