Evening Everyone!
First, let me thank you all for coming and visiting my blog, and for your wonderful comments! It is so nice for us to all be able to share our love for rubberstamping and cardmaking! So many of you have been so encouraging, and I just wanted you to know that it has meant the world to me!
Second, thank you so much for being so patient! I finally had a chance to scan (I took some lousy pics, oh what a surprise! lol ) of the 2 prizes that I have for the blog candy!
To enter for the blog candy giveaway, just answer the following question, leaving a comment on this post.
Tell us about 1 of the funniest or most embarassing moments in your life. LOL I have many of these to choose from....so I am hoping you all have at least one! lol
I will close the giveaway on Monday July 2nd at midnight my time (Atlantic), and will randomly pick 2 winners on Tuesday afternoon and announce it then. I am going to try and find out where everyone does their random # winners, and do it that way!
So......GOOD LUCK everyone!!!! Can't wait to laugh with you all! I will even post one of my moments below! lol
:) Kim
Prize #1: Unmounted plate from Articus Studios, K & Co. Metal Art, Package of Collage Papers. Prize #2: Unmounted plate from Pink Cat Studios, K & Co. Metal Art, Scrapbook Rivets and Prima ribbon with flowers.
Ok, here goes! One of my many most embarassing momemts...lol
While living in Calgary, I was asked out on a date by a Police Officer. He was such a cutie, and I was SOOOO nervous about going out with him. He took me out for a beautiful dinner, then asked if I would like to go see a movie, I said sure. We got to the theatre and were getting out of the car, and OMGosh, I slammed the door shut, ON MY FINGERS!!!! I was crying so hard, and I think I screamed! He came running over, and first reaction, tried to pull my fingers out, he then realized that wouldn't happen and had to UNLOCK and OPEN the door to get them out! He asked if I was going to be ok, I said sure, as I am wiping my tears away...lol So we get in the theatre, and I get a cup of ice to put my fingers in, and we go start watching the movie. About 1/3 of the way thru he had a look at my fingers, and decided he best take me to the hospital. Fun fun....I broke 2 fingers....lol Nice first date hey? I was mortified that I had done with on a date with a COP! lol Good news though, we ended up seeing each other for quite awhile....lol...so it wasn't all THAT bad! lol
Can't wait to hear more of your stories!
What wonderful prizes ;)
My most embarassing moment was in the airport returning from a vacation in Thailand and my sarong came untied....
I stepped out of a car in a trendy nightclub area and out of my purse fell a tampon. As I went down to pick it up I saw a sailor sitting right there in an outside cafe watching me with a giant grin. I wanted to disappear....
I would have to say my most embarassing moment would have to be, when my son was talking to my grandmother. She hasn't been well health wise for a long time...he knew that, but he went up to her and said "Sorry to hear you ae dying Oma!" She wasn't that sick, she wasn't dying by any means at that time. My dh and I hadn't even been talking about her health to eachother incase he heard. I was so *red*, I didn't know what to say after that...what an awkward moment or what!
I explained to my grandmother that he knew that she had been sick...but didn't mention anything about her dying. She then sat down hugged him and told him she wasn't dying anytime soon.
I think my most embarssing moment was when we were at a waterpark and i went down this slide and when I came out the end my top had come off! Thanks for the fun questions, it's good to know that I'm not alone in embarssing moments!!
Christie-the stamp-shack!
One of my most embarassing moments was when I was vacationing in FL with my sister and her kids. A very short man was ahead of us in a check out line and my niece (five at the time) says 'Aunt T - look . . . Santa's elves come to FL for vacation too'! I was mortified!
Oh Kimmy, I can only pick one? Hummm...well, here goes!
I was in a store shopping and when I came out, I got it my car and started to drive off. Just then it hit me...NO KEYS! I could't find them ANYWHERE! I jumped on the phone with a panic call to DH, balling my eyes out because we don't have a spare set. He tells me to go back in the store and look. DUH! But I was upset, I didn't want to go in crying like a baby, but had no choice. So, I put the car BACK IN PARK, got out and walked back into the store to the customer service counter and asked if anyone had turned in my keys. The 16 or 17 year old girl at the counter looked at me like I had 2 heads when I asked. I'm a bit mouthy, I said it again in a completely B**chy tone. She said, "Mam, are the keys in your HAND the keys you are looking for?". OMG! DUH! I had even started to back out of my spot when they "went missing". I was sooo embarassed it wasn't even funny! To this day, DH doesn't know that I had them in the car or in my hand the entire time! ;0) Ahhh, a day in the life of Karieland! LOL
I was enjoying a california roll in a sushi restaurant with my daughter. I love the crab and avocado in the california roll. Talking and eating I noticed that a piece of avacado fell out of the piece I was eating. Spotting the green piece on the plate, I picked it up and popped it into my mouth....my face became red and I grabbed the water....My sinus's were on fire. It wasn't the avocado I picked up, it was a huge piece of wasabi (very hot japanese horseradish). My daughter who tried to be concerned, laughed hysterically as I tried to recover and still tells the wasabi story to this day. I'm sure I was a site in the restaurant as everyone was wondering what was happening...Diane
Fabulous blog candy! Ok, my most embarrassing moment was at my wedding! During the middle of church service, we were to go around and hug some people. Well, I hugged my new mother-in-law and the beads on my dress got caught on the lace on her dress. We were stuck together for 5 minutes while she was carefully trying to unhook us. Everyone in chuch just laughed!
Cheryl KVD
oh geez, My 2 most embarrassing moments happened in the same year and I am 20-years-old and still remember them sometimes and get red in the face. I was 14 or 15 at the time, me and a friend were walking around town sucking on lollipops. It was during the 4th of July and my town gets REALLY busy during the 4th. I had bought a new paid of flip flops and I wanted my friend to look at them. I kept telling her to look and she kept ignoring me, or she didn't hear me, one of them. And I kept saying "Look at my new shoes" well, the last time I said it I walked off the side of the sidewalk and down I went in slow motion. Cars are going past me looking at me and all I can do is laugh and roll around on the ground with my sucker stuck in my hair, my friend is laughing hysterically at me and can't help me up because she is laughing so hard. It took us 5 minutes to get the sucker out of my hair and even had to cut a peice of my hair off. I was SO embarrassed.
My other experience was when I was the same age, the same year. me and the same friend were hanging out with some older kids. While we were walking around town these older kids asked us if we wanted to ride around with them, of course we said sure because that was just the cool thing to do. Well, as they went to drop us off at the corner by my house I went to climb out of the backseat (it was only a 2 door car) and get out and my foot got stuck in the seatbelt and down I went right on my face. OMG! I about died, I couldn't even turn around to look at them, I just kept walking while my friend is laughing her butt off.. :( lol. It's funny now when we talk about it but it wasnt' at the time. lol
My DH and I were shopping. He was looking at watches and I wandered the store...I came back to the watches and was absently looking at a display on the wall. I start talking to DH about the display while rubbing his hand...when I turn to look, *gasp* it wasn't DH, it was a complete stranger! DH was at another counter laughing and says to the man, "I'll bet you'll come shopping bhere again!"
You have a great blog ! My most embarassing moment was when I was at a picnic and was wearing my swimsuit. One of my "girls" had fallen out and I didn't realize it until the man sitting opposite of me at the table blushed bright red.
Claudia F.
Lovely candy!! So I am going to share a story I haven't even shared with my husband. When I was about 13 me and my closest friend went rollarskating.(do they even make those anymore LOL)So I had to use the washroom. I went in the stall did my business. When I stood up to pull up my pants I rolled right out of the stall with my pants half way down. And there were lots of people who saw me in my glory. Like been 13 wasn't hard enough!! Thankfully we moved shortly after and no one knew of my embarresing moment.LOL
My most recent embarrassing moment (there are just so many!) was in Michael's the other day. My 4 y/o DD was chatting away with an elderly lady on line behind us while the cashier was ringing up my 50+ sheets of PP indiviually (yeah, took forever). SHe told the woman she was 4 and asked her how old she was. The woman giggled as I scolded my daughter and said, "I'm so old, I don't even remember some days!" Well, my DD looked her right in the eyes and said very matter-of-factly, "Just look in your panties...mine says I'm 4-5!" Everyone in the store started howling!
My most funniest or embarassing moment, whatever you want to call it was when my daughter was 2 or 3 and we were at the grocery store and she YELLED "MOM MY CRACK ITCHES, WILL YOU SCRATCH IT FOR ME" not only once did she say this but twice. I went around the corner and there were 2 ladies laughing so hard, I thought they were going to pee thier pants.
In my 20's I got a bleeding ulcer and had to get a flexible sigmoidoskipy (sp?) (kinda like a colonoskipy). Part of the test prep is to do 2 Fleet enama's at home. I asked my mum to buy them and she wouldn't so I asked her to at least give me a shopping list so that the Fleets would "blend in". She gave me the list and I went shopping. One of the items on her list was the bargain size of toilet paper. When I went through the check out line, the 16 year old bag boy put my Fleet enamas and the 18 pack of TP in the bag, gave me this snotty look and said "have a nice day". I was so mortified.
Hmmm ... so many from which to choose ...
Last fall I was in Costco with my husband and my daughter and her family. I was looking at the digital cameras and wanted a better look at one so I disconnected it from the display. Oh dear. Alarm bells went off, people were staring (or backing away from me) and the little security man came running over. My daughter was horrified and HID! My son-in-law was around the corner busting a gut laughing at me. Wonder of wonders, my DH did not run and hide. I blush SO easily! I think I was probably beet red that day. The security guy turned the alarm off with his key and said, That's all right, dear, it happens all the time." Right.
I've got several, but here's one. A friend of mine who has 3 kids and I and my 3 kids were in a department store. Friend and I were walking along talking and out of the corner of my eye I spotted one of my kids going he wrong way. So I put my hand on his head and went to turn him around. That's when I noticed that it was someone else's child and he looked scared to death. Oops.
my most embarrassing moment was when i was alice in wonderful at a school play. they had made my costume blue skirt a little too big, so during a dance number, it slipped off!!
I got an invitation to a friends wedding reception that was being held at a banquet room near our home. I was so happy for the bride, she had been our babysitter years ago and we thought the world of her. I bought her an extra special ("very expensive") gift.
I spent time getting ready and off I went, gift in hand.
I was greated at the door by a nice older couple and I handed them the gift and introduced myself. I went in, smiled and exchanged small talk with a few people, before I realized I had my days off. Joanns reception was the following evening, same time, same place. The nice couple at the door was actually the bride and groom and I had to go back, apologize and take back my gift (that was still in there hands)!
I wanted to fall off the face of the earth!
I heard snickers and laughing from behind me as I left the room.
Yes, I did it all over the next day, only I didn't let anyone know that the lady the night before was me...they had already heard about it.
Shortly after having finished up with nursing Tori I went to Wal Mart to try and find some bras for my poor droopy, but still large boobs. Well while I was standing in the dressing room half naked about to put one of them on, the sales lady flung the door open to let another customer in. There were several people standing outside, including a couple of men. I turned around quickly and screamed, but there were mirrors behind me, so that didn't do much to hide me, it just magnified it times three. *sigh* From then on when I go in a dressing room, I make sure they put me in one in the very back around the corner.
What AWESOME candy here! Count me in I know I have a few funny stories. But here is the first story that came to mind...I was at our public pool and was driving in the pool and my plastic ring broke on my top, so when I came up what a surprise I had and of course there were guys everywhere. I dip back in the water and the lifeguard found a safety pin..that's right a safety pin to pin my top together. I was younger when this happen, because now it might not be such a pretty sight!
What a fun and creative way to give this fun candy away. Thanks for a chance.
I work at a daycare, and we wear nursing scrubs. Our kleenex is stored on shelves that are above my head. I jumped up to knock down a couple boxes of kleenex, not only did the kleenex come down but so did my pants, while a parent stood there watching, and laughing!
I guess I'll have to relive this embarrassing moment for your wonderful blog candy. When I was in my early 20's I went to Europe with 3 girlfriends. Every beach we went to was topless. Eventually, I worked up the nerve to take off my top thinking I'd blend in. Within moments I got hit in the head with a soccer ball. 3 guys ran over to retrieve it and apologized profusely in french. I wanted to bury myself in the sand and never come out again. I decided to keep both pieces of my bikini on after that!
one of most embarrassing moments was when my daughter asked the carpet cleaner if he pooped his pants, I worked with this man at another company and he has halitosis very bad but we understood it was a medical problem, but my daughter who was three at the time kept asking him why he poohed his pants.
My most embarrassing moment had to have been when I was about 18, my sister & I were walking downtown London, Ontario and I had on these 3 inch high wedge shoes. I was walking along & feeling pretty good about myself when all of a sudden I went over on my heel and a guy behind my yelled out ‘TIMBER’. I’ve never forgotten that. I must have turned about 3 shades of red.
Thanks at a chance to win some generous blog candy.
LOL I have enjoyed reading these! I too have so many to choose from. It was the first day of the new semester in high school. I was one of the last to arrive in class, sat down in a chair and it broke apart. I fell flat on my rear. I put my hand on the table to pull myself up and tipped the table over. I had to leave before the class started to go to nurse because I had hurt my hand. I ended up transfering out of the class the next day.
On the first date with what would become my other half, we were going to Mr Steak (I am a vegetarian but he didnt know that at the time) and I sneezed and had a giant gross goobie in my hand. I didnt know what to do. My brother would have just wiped it on the seat or floor ;(. So I kept my hand shut until we got to the dining place. I ran into the bathroom to wash my hand and to this day, I cannot go anyplace without first going into the john, doing my business and washing my hands in a paranoid fashion. I freak people out about how often I go to the toilet. I dont think hubby ever knew why I rushed off like that. He ordered dinner for us and I didnt know what to say about the steak stuff so I just said well done and burn it. ANd then I would not kiss him goodnight either! (I had to work that night and he dropped me there as I had no car) we did have another date and then got married! 6 weeks we knew each other. its been 35 years now. No body else wants him.
btw-the Mr Steak is not a strip joint!
I meant that Mr Steak is NOW a strip joint.
can you put a feed in too??
I can't think of any "true" embarrassing moments...I consider those building blocks of my life and what made my character...I do have a story I love to tell.. I have a friend that is hispanic. I first met him thru my ex husband when we were dating. my hispanic friend was his roommate. on our first meeting he was cooking dinner for my children and I and my ex. He told me he had forgotten something at the store and he would be right back..my ex went with him. While they were gone the "police" knocked on the door asking if I knew him...of course I said no...(I really didn't know his last name at the time) the "policeman" gave me his name and card and said to call him if I ever ran into him. I said ok and threw the card away without looking at it. about 20 minutes later my ex and my "friend" came back and asked if everything was ok. I told them the police came by...my hispanic friend got all upset and said...OMG....if they come back don't let them in...I don't have my greencard... I was so freaked out...and thought great...I'm harboring a fugitive.. to make a long story short...the police came back 2 more times and the 2nd time they searched the house and found him. I was in tears thinking I was going to jail...finally after the "3" men.. (my ex, my friend and the policeman) stopped laughing they told me it was a joke...I bought it hook, line and sinker....LOL....we are all still friends today and that was 20+ years ago...It seemed so real at the time...but so silly now...
My most embarassing moment came near Christmas when I was a teen. I remember EXACTLY what I was wearing - a skirt way too short for winter and heels. To keep warm I wore some tights. I thought I was too cool to be shopping with MOM and we were in a hurry so I had the idea to separate and buy gifts then meet up in the parking lot. I RAN and got the presents and soon had presents stacked so high I couldn't see in front of me. I had to tinkle sooooooo bad it couldn't wait so I went to the bathroom. We had a party to get to so right after the bathroom visit I was running across the huge mall to the other end where the parking lot was. It felt a bit cold but I thought that was just the wind I created from running and well I was wearing a short skirt. People were looking at me and laughiing and I thought it was beacause they were impressed I could run with this tall tall stack of presents in front of me. I get to the parking lot and my mom starts howling. I had tucked my short skirt into my tights. Being a teenage I was so horrified it was like the world ended. It was months before I could go back to the mall. And to this day I always check TWICE to make sure I didnt tuck my skirt in :(
What an awesome prize!!
My most embarrassing moment: When I was 17 a friend and I left school to go sit down by the river to study for our upcoming finals when a group of our friends showed up. I was sitting underneath a tree reading and one of the boys came over to help me stand up as it was a kind of awkward position of the tree/rocks and the river directly at our feet. He grabbed my hand to help pull me up and we heard this ripping noise, he pulled me harder and the ripping noise was louder and I couldn't move--a piece of the tree root had gotten attached to my pants and ripped them right up the middle. :) For the rest of the day I had to walk around in another boys stinky sweatpants that he had in the back of his car wearing a pair of pink grasshopper shoes (I bet I'm aging myself now lol, as this happened in 1985). We had all cleaned out our gym lockers and lockers so there was nothing else I could wear. :)
great memory!!
MY BLog: www.ThisEveryDayLife.com
I was heading to the mall so quickly grabbed my clothes from the dryer & slipped them on. Later on that day I realized that the static cling had caused a pair of my ugliest panties to be stuck to the back of my slacks and I'd been walking around like that for hours before some NICE lady told me. It's no wonder that I kept feeling stared at and hearing snickers that day.
I guess one of mine would have to be when I lived in California. We went on a camping trip with several friends and got caught alittle less dressed than needed on the beach by the MP's! It was a military beach...
I get the giggles at the most inappropriate times. Recently my husband cut his arm right before we were to leave for church. We were out of bandaids & we were in a hurry so he grabbed a kotex and taped it around his arm to soak up the blood so it wouldn't get on his shirt sleeve. During the serman I thought of him sitting there with a kotex on his arm & I burst out laughing and couldn't quit. People were staring so I tried to nonchalantly get up and leave. Of course we were sitting close to the front and I had to walk clear down the aisle practically bursting a gut with laughter. I sat in the car too embarrassed to go back in. Neither my husband or daughter were too pleased with me when church was over.
These stories are too funny...
One of my most embarassing moments was while I was still nursing my son. He was hospitalized when he was about 8 months old, and couldn't nurse, so I had to pump. I didn't want to leave him alone in the room while I left to pump, so I put the "do not disturb" sign out, and started my business. About half-way through, the attending physician and his whole entourage of residents burst into the room to check on my son. When he realized what I was doing, he turned bright red (although probably not as red as I did) and backed everyone out of the room, telling me he'd check back with us a bit later. Needless to say, that was the end of that pumping session!
I do not embarrass easuly , but I would have to say that an embarrassing moment for me would have to be when my husband came into town to visit and we were at my mom's house. My husband had a few to many to drink and not only gets loud but he also swears alot which is embarrassing to say the least . To make matters worse he walked outside my parents house and into their backyard to use the bathroom. When I asked him what he was doing he said that he couldn't find the bathroom . My husband and Ihave been together for 11 yrs ( 5 married and 6 going together) so he knows where my parents bathrooms are. When I told him that it was disrespectful and that he should go in a apologize to my mother for his actions- he said what's the big deal I only peed on junk, just like the rest of their house. At this point I was furious with him,and the more I sanitized where he had gone the madder I got. I finally told him off- and he said like I said it is no big deal. To me it was a big deal ,not only was it very disgusting but it was alos very disrespectful to my family and myself. Needless to say he slept in the car that night because he refused to apologize to my mother and he was too drunk to drive back to his home. (He works out of state) After having a fight with the water hose, not to mention smelling like sanitizer I told my mom what he had done and her reply was I do not want him in this house ever again. Since that day he has not been back.....
OMG! These stories are great! lmao!! lol!! Now.. how can I pick just one.. *blush* Hmmm... ok, once I had a few too many when I was younger at a wedding, and accused someone of stealing my BIL's watch.. *BLUSH*. I even went as far as to try to take it OFF his wrist... Needless to say, I know my limits now. lol!!
Oh dear me......I just can't stop laughing.....what fabulous stories.
I have two really embarrassing moments which I will never forget as long as I live.
1)I have always bitten my nails but wanted to have nice nails for my wedding day so wore false ones.
We are talking 1976 here so there were none of the fabulous ones you get now. These were plastic nails stuck on with glue.
Anyway during the reception I had to go to the bathroom and under my dress I had on a corselette with hooks and eyes which needed undoing before I could go....so I started to undo them only to watch my beautiful false nails go pinging across the bathroom one by one and I was left with my own nails covered in lumps of glue.
Lord knows what the cleaners thought when they found them.
2)This one is one of those times when you wish that a huge hole would open and swallow you or you you would get hit by a bolt of lightning.
My DD was about 18 months old and I decided to take her into town on the bus to do some shopping.
On the way home she was sitting on my lap and we were sat behind a lady whose hair was hanging over the back of her seat. DD was holding onto the seat rail and she was stroking a piece of the lady's hair. The bus stopped suddenly and my DD grabbed hold of the lady's hair and then fell back against me bringing the woman's hair with her.
I was so mortified as was the poor woman who was left sitting there with a head full of hair pins.
Great Blog Candy Kim and it's fab to see you back.
It was when my son was 2 years old- we took him to the Doctor for his check up- he was pointing at all babies in the waiting room - he would say Baby...then he got to a African American baby and said MONKEY- I was like no honey that is a baby- He yells that the top of his lungs NO ITS A MONKEY! I was so embarrassed not to mention the dirty looks the other mother was giving me! My son loves monkeys!
Great candy!
The only thing that comes to mind is this. My mom and my son(who was 3 yrs. old at the time) were at a buffet for lunch. I was into the vast menu, preparing two plates at the same time when I heard "you are starting a little early aren't you?" I looked and there was my son rubbing on this pretty blonds long tanned legs! I was so embarrassed...her laugh broke the tenseness and help ease the situation:)
Love the prizes and only for the potential to win will I share this terribly embarrasing story...
A neighbor of mine is a lawyer and shared the story of an exotic dancer suffering terrible injuries while performing an upside down "signature move" on the pole. I thought the idea of a signature move should not be limited to dancers and decided that I needed one too. Mine is the double bird. One day my DH was driving my sister to our home from the airport and I decided to break out my signature move in my front yard while the car approached my home. The car ended up being my new neighbors in a car similar to my DH's. Six years later and they have still not spoken with me!!!!!!!!!
Most embarrassing would have to be when I was teaching in Primary at church and my daughter pulled off my elastic waist skirt. OF COURSE I WASN'T WEARING A SLIP. lol
I'm glad it was infront of 15 kids and not adults.
I think my most embarrassing moment is when I started laughing during my wedding ceremony. Little did I know the marriage was a joke and didn't last!
I would have to say that my most embarrassing moment would have been the time I was in Wal-Mart with my daughter who was just learning how to talk. We were in the clock aisle and she spied the clocks and starting yelling out the word that she thought was clock. She was so proud of herself...I, however, was extremely embarrassed, as there were people in the next aisle that were roaring laughing as she had left out the 'l' in clock! Oops! I was trying to cover by saying, "What TIME is it on the CLOCK?" But, she just kept yelling out her version over and over again! Oh well, they've gotta learn, I guess!
lol :)
Congratulations on your blog, Kim!
Most embarassing moment had to be at US immigration at the Vancouver Airport. Just as I walk to the booth, the immigration fellow screams "It's OK! She doesn't have a gun!" It seems he had hit the panic button by accident :)
When I was in high school I had a crush on one of the guys on the football team. He even asked if I'd like to go out with him sometime. A few days later I was at an amusement park with my family, and decided to go on the bumper boats. My mom was also on the ride but in a separate boat from me. After the ride I pulled up to where you get on & off the ride. There was my crush with some other guys from the team in line to ride the boats & smiling and waving at me. I gave them a smile, thinking to myself how thankful I was that my parents and brother weren't with me when I ran into them. All of a sudden I heard my overweight mom's bellowing voice, "Help Melissa! I'm stuck, I can't get out of here". There she sat at the bottom of her boat with her pants soak & wet and unable to squeeze her body out of the small boat. The ride was held up for a good 5 minutes as 2 assistants & myself tried to pry her out. It was so embarrassing and needless to say, I never did go on that date.
Well this one is a famous family one my mom is deaf and before she got her hearing aid. Her and dad went to my cousins wedding and the pastor came out to meet the family in the vestibule of the church. Mom who never did hear anyone used to nod and smile when someone asked a question. During the service the pastor said he knew that the wedding would be a success because the grooms father and mother were so nice and friendly and pointed them out. He pointed out mom and dad...the strangest part was that my cousins mother had passed on. So everyone was turning around trying to figure out who the mother of the groom was. Mom is noted now for quite few of those incidents over the years of her nods lol.
So many too choose from...I'm an EMT, and take great pride in treating patients very professionally. Every year we go to a big bikers party. While there a guy flipped over his handlebar, landing on his head and flopping down. I ran out of the crowd, stabilized c-spine and opened his airway. Several other EMT were there, and we started assessing the patient. He became more responsive, and very panicky when he realizes he couldn't feel from the chest down. It became harder for me to hold c-spine, and keep his airway stable. One of the other (male) EMT's said to him to calm down, and enjoy the pretty EMT holding his head, which he did. And I realized my "girls" were falling out of my skimpy top, and there was nothing i could do until we could get the guy stable. So there I kneeled, boobs hanging out in front of hundres of bikers. AHhh, so not professional. But it worked. Guy ended up with a c-4 spinal injury that did not compromise the spinal cord, because we were in the right place at the right time!
This is a great contest and great blog candy. I have a sore side from LMAO while reading these. In my wonderful life I have many learning experiences that have left my ego very bruised. When I was 8 months preggo with our first I took our dog to the vet. She was fighting being there and luckily we were the only ones there so I picked her up and sat on the chair. Well unknown to me they had changed the furniture and yep I bit the dust and knocked the mags off the table. Quickly I surveyed the damage no one here receptionist behind her desk I was safe. After a few minutes she popped her head up (took awhile to get herself under control) and asks me if I am okay. I almost died but was okay and the darn dog decided to act like an angel at that moment. We had been there 1 week before and a chair had been there apparently they had rearranged the furniture the night before. Never went back made DH go after that and DS was late probably scared to come out as he was in a safer spot
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